Tuesday, February 22, 2011

US CIS Approval!

I just received a letter and notice from US CIS/Homeland Security that reads "Notice of favorable determination concerning application for advance processing of orphan petition."  (What a mouthful!)  The notice says that my application has been forwarded to the National Visa Center and to Addis Ababa!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Let's Move That Dossier!

I received word on Friday, February 4th, that my dossier was sent to the partner agency for review.  It will then be sent to Ethiopia and the State Department.  I know that the review process is currently 2-3 months before I will receive a referral, but God knows I'm persistent, so I'm asking Him to move that paperwork faster.  Even though everything else in my classroom is organized and efficient, I was looking at my desk last week- not the neatest- and wondering about whose desk my baby's paperwork is currently sitting on!  (I hope theirs looks better... Gulp.)  When I pray, I visualize God's hands moving those papers to the top of the stack.  I pray that the papers land on the desk of people who truly feel the urgency of removing children from institutionalized settings and getting them to their waiting families.